{O/C} As for world reaction, poignant tributes and deep reflections, but also pelting jeers, ricocheted across the world upon her death.
This as images of the Queen on stamps and notes, as well as the national anthem, "God Save the Queen", are poised to be replaced.
The mayor of Cape Town, where the Queen pledged her lifelong service, called her "an exemplary leader" that's becoming rare.
Notably, the late anti-apartheid activist and priest Desmond Tutu also shared good relations with the Queen.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin sent King Charles III a telegram calling her death a heavy and irreparable loss, but won't attend her funeral.
The Sydney Opera House pulsated with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.
Singers Harry Styles and Elton John both honoured her life with music.
But some Irish soccer fans boisterously jeered the Queen's death, enraging her supporters.
Still, the Republic of Ireland expressed condolences and admiration for the queen.
Back in London, all members of Parliament joined a minute's silence as they paid their own tributes to the Queen one by one.
(Courtesy, AP)
