{O/C} Monkeypox infections worldwide and in the United States may both be nearing the high water mark, but the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cited that as a just cause for prudent optimism, saying cases are still rising, albeit sluggishly.
And as you know, there there are certain jurisdictions -- New York, Chicago, San Francisco -- that are starting to report that they're starting to see a downward trend.
Week over week, our numbers are still increasing, the rate of rise is lower, but we are still seeing increases.
So we are watching this with cautious optimism, and really hopeful that many of our harm reduction messages and our vaccines are getting out there and working.
Still, Walensky highlighted the racial disparity in monkeypox vaccinations between people of different ethnicities across the U.S.
She stressed the CDC is disseminating monkeypox education to rein in the inequities.
