{O/C} A United Nations resolution calling for Russian accountability was approved Monday albeit with the lowest level of support ever.
A jubilant Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy likened the recent liberation of Kherson to a watershed victory in his video address to G20 leaders.
{Take SOT}
In favour: 94. Against: 14. Abstentions: 73.
In a move sure to disappoint Ukraine and its supporters, the 193-member U.N. General Assembly voted in favour of a resolution demanding Russian accountability with only modest support.
It calls for Russian reparations for widespread damage to the country and mass killings and injuries.
Ukraine's ambassador to the United Nations followed that up by saying justice has to be served.
SERGIY KYSLYTSYA, Ukrainian U.N. Ambassador:
Ukraine will have the daunting task of rebuilding the country and recovering from this war, but that recovery will never be complete without a sense of justice for the victims of the Russian war.
It is time to hold Russia accountable.
He said evidence of Russian atrocities like murder and rape should speak volumes.
But Russia's U.N. Ambassador fought back, calling the resolution "legally null and void", and that it only serves to fester more discord.
Echoing that sentiment in a joint statement were countries like China, Iran and Venezuela.
In his impassioned address to G20 leaders today, Zelensky said Kherson's liberation was a watershed moment in "the fight against evil."
Amid a looming winter energy crisis, Zelensky called for a cap on Russian export prices.
He also called for a special tribunal to look into Russian atrocities and aggression and consider compensation for Kyiv's wartime deaths and destruction.
While Russia's allies largely steered clear of the conflict, other world leaders made their own case for ending Russia's reign of terror one by one.
JOKO WIDODO, Indonesian President:
We must end the war. If the war does not end, it will be difficult for the world to move forward.
CHARLES MICHEL, European Council President:
Russia's war impacts us all no matter where we live, from Europe to Africa or the Middle East.
And the single best way to end the acute crisis in food and energy is for Russia to end this senseless war and to respect the U.N. Charter.
