{O/C} {Now to news in America}
Instead of pouring oil on troubled waters, Trump added fuel to the January 6 fire.
That's just one of the many revelations divulged on the last summer session of the January 6 hearing.
{Take SOT}
Jubilant rioters, impassioned entreaties from everyone at the White House to head off a calamity, all repudiated by an irate former President Donald Trump.
DONALD TRUMP, Former President:
But this election is now over. Congress has certified the results... I don't want to say the election is over. I just want to say, "Congress has certified the results" without saying the election is over.
The House Panel detailed how, for around 187 minutes, as the violence began to unravel, Trump responded via this unaired footage.
The National Security Council chat record also featured the important timeline of how the rioters aggravated the hornet's nest at the Capitol, breaching the building floor by floor.
Instead of saying cooler heads prevail, Trump blithely watched the gruesome violence deteriorate in the dining room, in addition to calling the throng "special" and upbraiding the Vice President.
As Trump appeared to keep his powder dry, others testified how the blood-curdling culmination could have been forestalled.
PAT CIPOLLONE, Former White House Counsel:
There needed to be an immediate and forceful response, statement, public statement that people need to leave the Capitol now.
Voice of White House Security Official:
The VP detail thought that this was about to get very ugly.
JARED KUSHNER, Former White House Advisor to Trump:
He (Kevin McCarthy) told me it was getting really ugly over at the Capitol.
MATTHEW POTTINGER, Former Deputy National Security Adviser:
I was disturbed and worried to see that the president was attacking vice president Pence for doing his constitutional duty. So the tweet looked to me like the opposite of what we really needed that moment which was a de-escalation.
SARAH MATTHEWS, Former Deputy Press Secretary:
As a spokesperson for him, I knew that I would be asked to defend that. And to me, his refusal to act and call off the mob that day and his refusal to condemn the violence was indefensible.
LIZ CHENEY, Vice Chairperson, Jan 6 House Panel:
Donald Trump made a purposeful choice to violate his oath of office.
These crushing allegations capped one of the most agonising public hearings in U.S. history.
The hearing continues in September when more witnesses are expected to attest to the ferment.