{O/C} President Joe Biden delivered a clarion call today against those who champion former President Trump's "MAGA extremism" in a prime-time address to his nation.
But that culminated with one Republican dishing it right back.
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Against the backdrop of Philadelphia's Independence Hall was where President Biden unleashed a merciless barrage of criticisms against the Trump extremism.
As Trump advocates resorted to taunting the President outside the building, the President disparaged Republican efforts to tatter the democratic fabric.
JOE BIDEN, U.S. President:
Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.
While he stopped short of bruising pro-Trump voters in the 2020 Presidential Election, Biden said MAGA had infected every nook and cranny of the Republican Party.
Then, he called for unity.
That's why tonight, I'm asking our nation to come together, unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.
But one Republican fought fire with fire and outright accused Biden of inflaming political divide.
KEVIN McCARTHY, House Minority Leader:
President Biden has chosen to divide, demean, and disparage his fellow Americans.
We must change the direction of Washington before it is too late.
While the White House admitted Biden's speech did raise some hackles, it clarified, the President only condemned MAGA Republicans.
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, White House Press Secretary:
We understand we hit a nerve. We get that.
The President has always, always squarely targeted his criticism on electedleaders. This is about what they're doing in Congress, those extreme MAGA Republicans, those who are...who hold office.
