{O/C} Following the torrent of events that riled abortion activists in America comes the agonising story of a pregnant woman in Louisiana who was robbed of abortion.
This, despite her foetus suffering from a rare congenital disorder that prevents the foetus' skull from developing inside the womb, which could ominously culminate with the baby's death right after birth.
She and her lawyer feel the state's abortion prohibition entails more elucidation.
NANCY DAVIS, Louisiana Woman Pregnant With Defective Foetus:
Ten weeks into my pregnancy, I found out that my baby had a rare birth defect called acrania.
The doctors told me my baby would die shortly after birth.
They told me that I should terminate the pregnancy. Because of the state of Louisiana's abortion ban, they could not perform the procedure.
Basically, they said, I had to carry my baby to bury my baby.
We are calling on the governor and the Louisiana Legislature to call a special session to address this public health catastrophe.
The stultifying abortion ban remains in effect in Louisiana. And doctors who attempt to perform an abortion could face possible prison time.
There's been much discourse in the state over whether "medically futile" pregnancies should be exempted from the prohibition.
Davis' case is the latest bombshell since the Supreme Court astonishingly struck down Roe v. Wade that had legalised abortion for decades in June.
