Over to Japan where dozens of protesters rallied against a plan to release nuclear-tainted water into the sea.
Protesters chanted slogans as they marched to the headquarters of TEPCO, the owner of the 2011 tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant.

(Some protesters hold banners saying in Japanese "Don't dump contaminated water into sea!" during a rally outside Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) headquarters building Tuesday)
(Courtesy AP)
That's where three nuclear reactors were damaged by the tsunami, leaving behind nuclear-contaminated water.
Several activists from South Korea also joined the rally on Tuesday.
The government and TEPCO are adamant the tanks storing the treated, but still radioactive water must be removed to allow for the plant's decommissioning.
While the government says the water will be filtered and made harmless, scientists admit the impact of long-term, low-dose exposure to radioactive chemicals is still unknown, so the release should be delayed.
Neighbouring countries, including South Korea, China and Pacific Island nations, have also protested against that plan.
Meantime, Tokyo and Seoul have agreed to have a South Korean delegate visit the plant later this month to observe preparations for the release.