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Debate over outlawing abortion in America

{O/C} There is fallout today from the draft opinion suggesting that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn the Roe v. Wade case that legalised abortion.

Layered on top of the protests is the fierce debate over the ramifications.

{Take SOT}

Following that whopper, Democrats pitched a fit, contending that abortion rights should be enshrined in the country's statute book.

{Soundbite} CHUCK SCHUMER, Senate Majority Leader: If the report is accurate, the decision would be an abomination. An abomination. One of the worst ever in modern history. We will vote to protect a woman's right to choose, and every American is going to see which side every senator stands on.


While anti-abortion Republicans cheered the news, some pro-abortion Republican senators went out on a limb among Republicans as they roasted the Supreme Court, saying it was high time the head of the court grasped the nettle.

{Soundbite} MITCH McCONNELL, Senate Minority Leader: This lawless action should be investigated and punished to the fullest extent possible, the fullest extent possible. I'm certain the chief justice will seek to get to the bottom of this. If a crime was committed, the Department of Justice must pursue it completely.

{Soundbite} LISA MURKOWSKI, Senator (R), Alaska: Roe is still the law of the land. I would just tell you that it rocks my confidence in the court right now.


New York residents were struck by how the court is riding roughshod over abortion rights.

{Soundbite} SEQUOIA SNYDER, New York Resident: We don't really have the power or a voice. So I just think it's crazy that nine people have the final say on like everything in the country and they can never lose their job. It just seems weird.

{Soundbite} I'd really prefer that abortion remain a constitutional right. It's health care. I don't think the government should be getting in between anyone and their doctors.


In California, pro-abortion activists emerged from the cauldron vowing California will remain a "sanctuary" for reproductive rights up to females' discretion.

President Joe Biden echoed the activists' collective sentiment.

{Soundbite} JOE BIDEN, U.S. President: If this decision holds, it's really quite a radical decision.


Not only has the leak spurred untrammelled protests across America, it is also threatening to shake the U.S. political landscape ahead of the midterm elections, in addition to putting other rights on the line.

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