{O/C} Departing British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered his valedictory speech to his fellow countrymen today as he vowed to fully endorse incoming leader, Liz Truss.
The agonising cost-of-living crisis is expected to be the first hurdle to punch the new administration.
{Take SOT}
GRAHAM BRADY, Chairman, 1922 Committee:
Rishi Sunak: 60,399; Liz Truss: 81,326.
After months of vying for the country's top job, foreign secretary Liz Truss defeated her rival, Treasury Chief Rishi Sunak, by over 20,000 votes.
First things first, she credited her predecessor with the milestones that materialised.
LIZ TRUSS, Incoming British Prime Minister:
Boris, you got Brexit done, you crushed Jeremy Corbyn, you rolled out the vaccine and you stood up to Vladimir Putin.
You're admired from Kyiv to Carlisle (England).
Then comes the mammoth challenge of obliterating over-the-roof living prices -- the primary focus of the vote.
I will deliver a bold plan to cut taxes and grow our economy. I will deliver on the energy crisis dealing with people's energy bills, but also dealing with the long-term issues we have on energy supply.
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The handover of power will for the first time take place at Balmoral, Queen Elizabeth II's summer retreat in Scotland, rather than at Buckingham Palace in London.
Truss is being compared to former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who negotiated with Beijing over the handover of Hong Kong back in the 1980s.
Bidding farewell to his people, Boris Johnson expressed support for Truss.
BORIS JOHNSON, Departing British Prime Minister:
And I know that Liz Truss and this compassionate conservative government will do everything we can to get people through this crisis, and this country will endure it and we will win.
It's time for us all to get behind Liz Truss and and her team and her programme and deliver for the people of this country.
And I will be supporting Liz Truss and the new government every step of the way.
And this verbal swipe was aimed directly at Russia.
And if Putin thinks that he can succeed by blackmailing or bullying the British people, then he is utterly deluded.
